I haven't quilted for five years now (except for a couple of thank-you gifts). This is huge.
Somewhere in there with my and Ty's cancers, I made a bargain with The Universe: I give up something I enjoy, You leave us alone.
So that really worked out. One spine fusion, one hip surgery, two rounds of chemo, multiple surgeries, two radiation treatments, a hysterectomy and several herniated discs later.....
I decided to do something I love again. I mean life is going to throw at you what it will, it's good to have coping measures. This group of quilters haven't let me slide off into the dark hole I'd been wishing would swallow me up, they never forgot about me. And now I'm back.
It's a mess, but a joyous mess. And except for accidentally snipping a hole in my pants, it's turning out pretty well. Here is my latest Work in Progress:
There will be two-one for Nicole and one for Ellie. That's 197 yoyos each, in case you were wondering.
Also, sometimes we goof off with Photo Booth.
Lastly, I worked a glorious 5 hours in my yard yesterday. One thing about the weather here...you never know how long the sunshine will last until you're safely in July, so get out while the gettin' is good. I'm stiff today, but it's the kind of hurt that feels good, let's you know you're alive rather than making you wish you were dead. And that my friends, feels amazing.
P.S. Could somebody please tell my body that 3 AM is not a decent wake-up time? Also, three hours is not nearly enough sleep.