The person who comes up with the winning name gets the quilt of their choice, the rest of the entries go into a drawing and another winner will be chosen from those. So the more entries, the better your odds, eh? Go ahead and add any new suggestions you might have to this post. If I've missed any entries of yours, add them here as well. Oh! and every entry also gets entered into a drawing for some beach reads (I promise there isn't a cerebral book in the lot).
Christmas Quilt
Vintage Purples
Funky Modern Quilt
Elizabeth W - (4)
Isaac Asimov had thyroid cancer, so I'm in good company, right?
HGTV Ain't Got Nothin' On Me
Teri Garr is my Doppelganger
*Like the rest of us don't want to win, Geez!
Tebbs Family - (2)
Teetering on one breath at a time
Lilac A. Rugg - (1)
La Yen - (3)
Happy Hands Club
Always and Forever
Your Mom Goes to College
Chocolate on my Cranium - (18)
My Bamboozled Noodle
Bats in the Belfry
Seventh Heaven
Open Blender, Insert Life
Happy Happy Joy Joy
It's a Beautiful Life
Cuz I Can
The Good Life
It's a Great Day to be Alive
This is my life
*That'll be the day...oh, wait it is the day
Happy as the Day is Long
Life's too Important to be Taken Seriously ~ Oscar Wilde
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -Samuel Beckett
Simplicity and Truth
It Could Be Worse
Give More, Expect Less
Do Whid it?
Heffalump - (6)
Blondes DO have more fun!
How my Garden Grows
Food, Family and the Fabric of my Life
Things that distract me from my 40 before 40 list
Don't hate me because I'm Blogiful
*The Incredible Shrinking Woman (although I'd change it to The Credible Shrinking Woman)
Up in Bubbles - (26)
out here
A separate reality
between something and nothing
ways and means
just peaches and steam
a question of life
bite your lip
office of a busy woman
she bangs the drums
vapour trail
my crystal ball
Growing Up
Garden Variety
Hit and Miss
hits and misses
knots tied
stop, pause, play, rewind
play, stop, pause, rewind
Brain Leakage
Memory Storage
yummy in my tummy
The goods
Everything in between
*Positively Me
sweating it out
Annie - (4)
My Organic Life: No fillers, no falsies, just my life au naturale
It is What it Is: my organic life
Making Organic Look Good
De-(insert your name)-ating My Life
Stacy - (2)
Life in a Whirlwind
Head in a book, hands in the dough and fingers that sew, sew, sew
Shawn - (5)
Dog Tired, But Determined
Reading Wants to Be My Life
If I Could Do Anything....
A Woman Of Undetermined Talents
I Read Because I Dream, I Cook Because I Taste, and I Sew Because I Feel Naked
c-dub - (1)
*Pieces of me