Today, in a hormone-induced haze, I considered blog-i-cide. These were my exact thoughts:
"I'm no longer Positive and my Organic has turned Schmo-rganic. Hmmph! I should just delete the whole blasted thing. Also, who ever thought it was a good idea for me to have children? Especially the kind that get older? Oh yeah. Me."
And then I realized that what I need to do is just BREATHE. And go in for new blood work, and in the meantime, stay far away from the chocolate/ice cream/bacon cheeseburgers.
This is just a technical difficulty. Right?
In other news we have moved Ty into our front room, he's too tall to carry down the long, twisty hall anymore.
I smell a remodel coming on: we'll add french doors for privacy and build him a bed that can roll into the family room during the day. New curtains are already up.