June first. How did that happen? Before we know it we'll be wrapping Christmas presents.
Ty had surgery on his left kidney and it only took about one third the usual shock waves to break up his stone. We're going to have this down to a science - they happened to notice that he has two stones in the right side. Eventually, he'll be rid of the stones and we will go about the business of preventing future recurrences.
Last night Spielberg hosted a party for a friend who is an exchange student, and there were a lot of kids over here. Ellie came up to me and asked me if I was older than all those kids in the back yard. She cracks me up.
A few days ago I was braiding her hair so it would be wavy the next day and she asked me if I'd ever had a Sleep Eye Jackpot.
A jackpot?
Yes, like when there's a lot of sleepy eye stuff in each corner and all the way across your lashes.
And then she said she likes Sprinkler Jackpots the best because they are perfect for when you're riding your bike and get all hot.
I had my neck ablation. It seems to have removed most of the pain I'd been feeling in my shoulder, but my neck is stubborn. Also, so is my ear.
It continues to hurt. No real rhyme or reason, but it is a hope-stealer and sometimes completely overwhelms me. One good thing about it, is the house is getting de-junked in an effort to distract me. If I keep busy, I don't despair. Mostly.
Mr. O continues to be amazing.