Today I registered Ellie for Kindergarten. To commemorate this special day, we made a sno-cone run.
It's been forever since I had one of those. Have you ever had a sno-cone, mom?
I just don't know what to get, I'm so essited.
Sno-cone girl: I can make you a rainbow, or a Justin Bieber, or even a Barbie sno-cone.
Well, if you have Mango and Strawberry, I'd like that.
And they did have it.
Fank you mom for getting me this sno-cone. It's so dee-licious. Oh, and mom (I believe this is right about when the sugar kicked in). I want to change my name. 'Cause I'm almost six and going to school and I need a more grown-up name. So could you please start calling me Sarah? Fank you.
Hey mom, I sure am good at saying my fank yous. And amn't I the goodest listener in the family too?
I'm going to miss my Ellie when Kindergarten rolls around.