Tomorrow I get to cross of one of the items on my 40 for 40 list: Plant the North side. I can't tell you how excited I am. It's been nothing but weeds or a barren wasteland since we moved in. It is going to be beautiful.
The lilacs were amazing this year, but after a few days of blooms, I had to cut them down--they are just too much for my allergies to handle. Sniff.
The front of the house has the purple/white/yellow/red theme going on
It pays to be up at sunrise
Potatoes. Funny story, the puny plants on the left are ones I bought, and the big, bushy ones were started from seed potatoes. They are growing like weeds.
The birds have discovered our strawberries so I've installed some netting over those hoops. Now I just need to get a handle on the slugs.
I love me some home-grown basil
The peonies will be in bloom next week, and I can hardly wait
All that remains of the willow - ready to go for the firepit and s'mores
And nothing beats the light on English daisies at 7 PM.
Thanks to Von for being a good, no make that great, sport. Won't you join us with some swimsuit confidence of your own? And pop over and tell her how great she looks.
What are your weekend plans?