1. Run a 9 minute mile
2. Knit a sweater for myself
3. Order yarn for that sweater (huge step)
4. Grow (or plant) something new
5. Finish a quilt
6. Read aloud by flashlight on the deck: Just David,
7. First Fridays - eat out somewhere (mountains, friends' home, restaurant) ALL of us
8. Photo project: a month of sunsets
9. Ride a 40 miler
10. Write more letters
11. Make strawberry freezer jam
12. Family road trip - Mesa Verde, Oregon?
13. Attend a play (Persuasion in March?)
14. Learn how to nap - practice it
15. Host parties
16. Hike
17. Finish Atlas Shrugged
18. Learn my children's love languages
19. Speak my children's love languages
20. Dance more
21. Teach Ellie to read
22. Hike to top of T or LP with Mr. O
23. Write more - journal
24. Let go, move forward
25. Rejuvenate workout mix
26. Beat Mr. O at something
27. Make ice cream
28. Try the Green Smoothie thing
29. Stop beating myself up
30. Plant the north side
31. Photo project: monthly self portrait
32. Make birthdays more special
33. Reconnect
34. Finish one room
35. 20th anniversary trip
36. Get our passports
37. Rent an RV
38.Think of three more things