Now, I know this isn't technically finished, but it's as good as this corner is ever going to get. I'm all set for my starring role on Hoarders in about 25 years. Sorry, honey.
Christmas is finally boxed and put away, the knitting needles and patterns are sorted, the furniture is repositioned, and stuff has been gone through and either thrown away or put away. It all came at a price though, it turns out this is not an easy thing to do while recovering from a big deal hoohah surgery (see also: I suck as a mom, true story). I have strained things in here - in my family, inside of me.
I was snappy and ornery. Actually, downright beetchy. It is like I'm riding the PMS Express as soon as I try to do anything remotely physical. I'm only three weeks into this gig, and I'm so sick of it having me instead of me having it.
I've laid here like a good (impatient) patient and read about 8 books (one of those was even a 600-pager). I'm almost sick of reading. Can it be?
No, I just need to DO something. I need to be able to get out and walk and enjoy the fresh air, no matter how slowly. Unfortunately this valley is full of freezing cold, dirty air.
I wish I didn't screw up so much, I really do. I'm going to apologize and try harder: to be still, to heal, and oh yeah, to just be nice already, dammit!
Alright, moving on. Here is the gift I was telling you about:
My Aunt Moana (who also helps me with Ty and is my right hand these days) made this apron for me. I love it! Please note that I am only 10 days post-op in this photo and I've (mostly) moved on from wearing jammies 24/7.
Well, except for today. I'm too tired to even think about showering. Once again, sorry honey.

P.S. I recommend Matched, The Forgotten Garden, and Tangerine. And since I'll be trying to sit here and be good, which five star books would you recommend to me?