(Thanks to Sue for snapping this photo)
I really wish you could all have been here in our family room with us, but maybe this is the next best thing. I hope it's alright, but I wanted to share with you two videos in particular. First, Anchor. I had tweeted that I love how Ty keeps time with his hand when he hears Anchor, Mindy saw that and decided to play it for him. This time he keeps time with his elbow and if you watch, he raises his head up at the beginning. It's the only time he did this, so I know he recognized the song. It made me all teary.
And second, I want to share with you Paul Jacobson's beautiful rendition of Little Drummer Boy. At about 4:09ish Ty sings along. I cannot tell you enough how appreciative we are that these five people gave up part of their Sunday during the busy holiday season to come and share their beautiful voices with us. I'm still pinching myself to know that it really happened.
Both The Lower Lights album and Mary's Lullaby (on which you may find Little Drummer Boy), are available online and locally. Trust me, it's the perfect stocking stuffer.