Guess what! Today was that day. And it was full of awesome. Please indulge me here while I recap in photos.
Setting up:
For The Beauty of the Earth. Something interesting, Ty normally startles to any new sound but I didn't see him startle once during the concert. He was enthralled. And so were the rest of us.
I think, here, Ty is a little bit hoping that if he can't see us (and there was a whole roomful of people who've worked with Ty over the years, as well as friends who've supported him through the tough times) then we will all disappear
But I caught him peeking out at Mindy. He still has a thing for blond hair, you see. She sang Anchor for him and as soon as she started to play the keyboard he raised his head and kept time with his elbow. Normally he waves his fingers.
We also enjoyed hearing Come, Ye Children of the Lord, All Through The Night and their signature hymn, The Lower Lights. It was all so beautiful.
I love this shot. I know if there had been time that Ty would've loved to run his fingers across that banjo. Once, when he was in the hospital for chemo, a neighbor brought up his electric guitar and played for Ty. It took his mind off of how miserable he was feeling and he actually opened up his fingers when I put them across the strings of the guitar. Ty loves string instruments.
Paul Jacobson sang The Little Drummer Boy for a finale, and it was beautiful. You can get your own copy of the song on the Mary's Lullaby album (which is filled with beautiful Christmas music). Ty finally got vocal right near the end of this song and sang out. We are definitely adding this song to our collection.
Left to right: Brian Hardy, Paul Jacobson, Mindy Gledhill, Scott Wiley, and Ryan Tanner. They all have individual music careers, check them out.
What a great group of people, they touched us with their generosity and talent. If I could sing like any of them, I'd never be content with just speaking ever again.
And now, right now, you should all go buy The Lower Lights album, because Sundays should always sound this good. I've heard a rumor that maybe there will be a Christmas album this year, fingers crossed - please to pray for this.
The Lower Lights, not just great musicians, but spectacular people too.

Ty gave Mindy one of the poinsettias he grew (beauty for the beautiful) and before they left I gave the guys their own package of one of our Christmas traditions - homemade mints (sweets for the sweet). Thanks to Brenda for snapping this photo.
Can a day get more lovely and perfect than this? I don't think so.
What are you waiting for? Go "Like" The Lower Lights on facebook and start enjoying their music today, you'll be glad you did.