On this the last day of the year, I'm stuck home doing nothing. Scratch that, in this case doing nothing actually equates to doing something - healing.
Despite appearances to the contrary, healing is hard work - especially when you've run out of Dr. Pepper (sidenote: whoever was in charge of keeping my stash stocked, you're in need of some serious improvement, I'm just sayin').
I am a lazy butt and it's driving me and my household crazy. I cannot even seem to get my book read, the words all run together and then I put on my old lady reading glasses (which are really old man reading classes that I "borrowed" from Mr. O) but since I am laying on my side, it's rather uncomfy. And who wants to be uncomfy and lazy at the same time?
Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to be more up and at 'em. I hope your New Year's Eve is a festive one. Party extra hardy (or is it hearty) for me.