So Spielberg is turning 16 this week. Wait, let me back up.
Sixteen years and 9 months ago.... erm, well perhaps not that far back.
But remember that awesome cityscape mural he designed? Well, that's just the tip of the iceberg. He's been drawing and designing since, well forever (or at least 4th grade) and has, lately, been drawing logos for Ill Planet - his production company (I know, he's full of all sorts of coolness - how many of you had your own production company at 16? Okay, so it's not officially a company but it's going to be).
Now, remember back when I went on that road trip to with Formerly Phread? We attended a Bloggy Bootcamp and as well as learning a boatload of bloggy info, I made some great, new connections. One of those was with Ryley of That's My Cake!
The wheels, they began a turnin'. I sent her a bunch of Spielberg's drawings and we decided on turning this one into a 3D birthday cake masterpiece:
Pretty freaking amazing, right?
I am beyond thrilled with how it turned out. Sidenote: even though I got on her schedule early, I ended up needing to put a rush on it to get it a day early. Ryley was perfectly accommodating, and I highly recommend her services (no, she did not pay me to say that - she is just awesome and you want her to make your cake. Oh yes, you do).
Unveiling is tonight, right now Ill Planet is hiding out in the trunk. I'll update you on Spielberg's reaction. I can't wait.