Halloween? Not so much. The weather was so...meh, and I didn't even do our traditional creepy dinner complete with bubbling witch's brew. The poor kids. At least I remembered to take a picture of one of them - here is one of Nicole all dressed up.
Michelle made a cake for Ty's latest milestone birthday (he won't eat any but he might have some pumpkin pie - it used to be his favorite)
I have have cooked every night but one (and that was leftovers night), and even baked bread again. I have also likely tripled our gas bill with all the hot soaks I've taken in the last few weeks. Yes, I finally got desperate (read: cold) enough to vacuum the tub so I could use it.
I have started a new workout program with interval training and I pretty much am the suck. That's okay. I am trying and I will get better at it.
The fall colors have finally hit the back yard, so I snapped a few to remember it by.
I know quakies are a pain in the as..pen, but I love the colors and the sounds
So I will put up with the shoots in my grass.
Wisteria seed pods
The season's last roses
And I never know what I will find when I'm out there
Works of art, I tell you they're everywhere.
What's on your menu this week? (Giveaway on Monday to help you along)