This weekend we had a real-live baby shower for Carrie (3rd from the left) and then a few of us kicked around Gardner Village - where I scored some shabby shic sheets, duvet and dust ruffle for pennies on the dollar. The guest bed is going to look so grown up now.
Suzanne, Brenda, Carrie, Rachel, Me, Annie (not pictured - Nat and Sophie -Suzanne's darling (and very good-natured) baby)
In other news, I have managed to go even blonder. Seriously, in the picture above it appears I have swallowed the sun. Blonde is really great for hiding the grays. Next up, back to the dark side. I'm crossing my fingers that the weather is decent for at least two days this week - I think that will be enough to hold me until it is reliably above 65 degrees every day.