Ellie was diagnosed with a nasty ear infection about a week and a half ago. Poor thing. The resulting fluid in her ear has challenged her hearing abilities.
Unless she is looking directly at me when I'm speaking or unless I am speaking VERY LOUDLY, she seems to be hearing me through mud. And randomly she is asking me some very odd questions.
Like, Why is Stacy having a hard time eating? When what I'd said was I can't wait for the mountains to start greening.
Or You want me sitting on my broom? When I'd said You need to be cleaning your room.
Or she will repeatedly ask the same question because she did not hear my answer. Mom can I have some peaches? Yes. Mom, can I have some peaches? Yes. Mom,... (you get the idea) So I have to magnify my gestures - huge head nod YES or exaggerated head shake NO. And this performance is only successful if she's able to see me.
The other morning I thought a movie would give us all a nice break from all the LOUD talking we were having to do, but then she brought me the remote and asked if I could turn up the noise. She couldn't understand what the Disney characters were saying to each other. And suddenly it seemed more like a potentially serious problem and less like a charming nuisance.
Even though she's taken a round of antibiotics, her hearing has not improved. We'll be visiting the doctor for another exam if it doesn't improve by Monday. I don't think my nerves can take much more of this RAISING my voice and ENUNCIATING every LAST syllable while making sure she's looking DIRECTLY at me. I feel like a broken record on full volume. (Okay I feel like that with my teenagers sometimes too, but this is getting ridiculous).