Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stacked! Also, Ambienesia

I'll be sending off a box of handmade chocolate mints to Heffalump, winner of the bribery mentioned in the last post (Heff, email me your address). Thanks to everyone's reading suggestions, I have a stack of 20 books on my night stand and am also 77th in line to read The Help at the library (I may just have to break down and buy that one).

I made a batch of these this weekend - Twix bars

photo from Foodaphilia

You should make them unless, of course, you enjoy fitting into your jeans. The only change I made to the recipe was to use half the suggested amount of butterscotch chips.

Ambienesia - the syndrome wherein one~who, having taken an Ambien approximately 15 minutes prior~has an entire conversation with one's spouse regarding said spouses' big, important meeting, and upon waking the next morning has no recollection of alleged conversation, AND politely inquires as to how said meeting went down. Spouse may or may not roll his/her eyes in response to said inquiry.

Still, all potential eye rolling aside, sleep is SO worth it.