A lot of things happen hypothetically around here. For instance, while we were out of town one of our children may have slipped out front on a Sunday afternoon to enjoy nature.
And that child may have just wandered a bit, and perhaps drifted a block or so north. Said child may also have met up with friends, one of whom may have had the idea to go "peaching."
This is where I explain to you that "peaching" (hypothetically) entails grabbing peaches off the tree and pitching them (hypothetically) at houses or in the street. And also where said child, thinks in his/her head that it's probably not a good idea but also fears embarrassment at being a bit of a goodie-goodie.
The friends may target the bishop's house perhaps even using the bishop's own peaches. Did I mention that perhaps we were out of town? Meanwhile, my aunt may likely be frantically trying to locate said child who seems to have disappeared off the earth.
When the bishop possibly discovers their hypothetical misdemeanor, said child wishes he/she had disappeared off the face of the earth.
Seriously? Now? Can I go back to church in a different neighborhood?
P.S. Don't worry, had this actually happened said child would have felt horribly for his/her actions and written a profuse apology promising to stand up for right in the future. Had I been there, we would've cleaned up the hypothetical mess together while reviewing the merits of being a goodie-goodie.
P.P.S. Haven't we all, at one time or another, (hypothetically) really wanted to go peaching?