Remember last week when I told you that Pavlov had nothing on me? Well, it's true. I'm not sure how many of you can use this, but we just finished potty-training here. And while I still wake my daughter up for middle of the night bladder emptyings, I've found a way to make it faster and painless.
When she first started going on the potty, I'd blow a little air at her face (like I was trying to blow her bangs out of her eyes) when I heard her peeing. She doesn't need me there in order to pee, but in the middle of the night when she's really tired or when we're out in public and she's got potty stage fright, I can just blow a little puff of air right at her bangs and voila! instant pee. She can't help it, she just starts going. She doesn't even have to wake up, it's automatic.
Isn't this one of the strangest, yet most practical tips you've heard? Stop by Rocks in my Dryer for more tips