Say it with me now. Now.
How about now?
Nope? You don't think so? That's because you've always done it the regular boring way. We have been enjoying a great site that helps parents to help kids understand and yes! even enjoy math. Get started here with basic ideas for learning math the natural way.
Julie Brennan, a CPA, has created a wonderful resource for the rest of us with Living Math. My favorites are her Math reader recommendations. The Murderous Maths series, Mathematicians are People Too, and more.
I also love her game recommendations (complete with a list of internet sites to play math games, make your own worksheets, etc.).
Surf around, and enjoy.
This tip may seem familiar, but that's because it's one of the most popular posts I've written, I just thought I'd share it again. For other Works for Me Wednesday tips visit Rocks in my Dryer.