Sunday, April 27, 2008

So none of the other kids have done this...

but my youngest is now referring to herself in the third person, her pronouns have fled. It's a little akin to living in a real-life Seinfeld episode - only without the raunch and the crazy-haired neighbor who barges in and helps himself to your refrigerator.


"G~ wants to play Tato Head. Mommy wants to play Tato Head with G~ and mommy?"

"G~ wants a drink, G~ wants juice please."

"It's darkin out there, G~ needs jammies on."

"Mommy read a book a G~?"

"Daddy change me." (this is usually addressed to me, and it's the only time I don't mind the lack of pronouns)

And so on, and so on. It was charming at first but now it's mildly disturbing. She used to use her pronouns very well: I, me, you, etc. And now all of the sudden she's added baby talk to the mix. Which would be no big deal except for the fact that she is constantly talking, unless she's sleeping (and even that's no guarantee).

I'm sure she'll grow out of it, but I find myself looking for a switch or a fast forward button. Hopefully, I won't go totally bonkers before she regains her pronouns and drops the baby talk. What about you? What funny/silly things do your kids do?