Yes, I did it. You should be so proud. Last time, I didn't vote and look what happened.
And right here and now I am announcing to you that I am back on the Clean Eating Wagon. My taste buds will be happy to wake up after their summer hiatus. Yes, I dabbled in processed foods worship and in the middle of beach season, even (I know!).
I am determined to get some jiggle out of my wiggle. The site has a handy dandy body fat calculator so you can get an idea of your starting point (I fall in the average range and woul like to attain a Fitness level by Christmas). I will be making and reviewing one to two recipes per week and giving you the family's feedback on whether it earns a thumbs up or down. Because I'm sure you will be dying to know if something so good for you could possibly taste good, too. And basically will your kids want to eat it? Am I right, or am I right?
My kids have super finicky palates and chances are if they'll eat it your kids will too.