In case I may have mislead any of you into thinking I'm a stellar human being, I'm here to tell you that I'm really only human with a small degree of stellar-ness.
I'm also hoping to draw some of you out. There's quite a number of you who do a Read-n-Run on a daily basis (I hope you enjoy what you read, but how am I to know?) So please, take a moment and delurk today. Just say hi, and tell me a little about yourself, perhaps even why you read the words I put down. But there's no pressure for you to confess anything (although you may, as long as you feel your parole officer would approve).
And so because I am asking you to do something for me - remember that little delurking thing we talked about earlier?- I have a little something for you. Once you've read the list, you have an obligation to say hi - even if you think I already know you. Especially then.
A compendium of (quite abridged) confessions:
1. I have a short temper and am of Irish/Scottish descent. Could the two possibly be related?
2. My mouth still drops words that aren't lady-like nor should they be said in polite company.
3. It may have something to with the fact that I can't keep much in my mouth, I mean even my saliva tries to sneak out at night when I'm not looking.
4. I enjoy food. A LOT. I think European chocolate should be its own food group.
5. Sometimes I read all night, and then I'm on auto-function the next day. Auto-function does not do cute little girl hair-dos, nor does it care if clothing ensembles even remotely go together, heck, auto-function is lucky to get her own teeth brushed, her self showered and body dressed in clothes she wasn't wearing last night.
6. I like to work out at random, odd times of the day and night, and I don't wash my hair every time. Which means, "Hello perfume bottle, you are looking lovely today." Squirt, squirt, squirt.
7. The pain in my sternal notch is back with a vengeance (it feels as if someone -a very strong someone- is driving a 16-penny nail into my collarbone) but I'm afraid to ask for painkillers because I know how enticing they are, how much they lull you into not caring about other areas of life, and how very hard they can be to stop taking.
8. I am not a nice person when I'm hurting. See confessions #1 and #2 which make me reconsider my stance on #7. Seriously how long can this carpenter on my collarbone have before he's finally finished with his home remodeling project - it's got to end SOON, right?
9. This means I am often hard to live with. (Mr. O, perhaps this explains a little about that?)
10. When my children aren't listening to me, getting louder is my answer even though I absolutely know it isn't going to help a thing.
11. I want MORE out of life. MORE in all caps and with exclamation points!!! I sometimes think about the *greener grass* on the other side.
12. I get to start taking water pills and wearing compression stockings because apparently I have at least 10 lbs of water in my cankles. I will let you know how that works out, and by gum it better!
So there we have it. You , Me = Same, Same (as soon as you introduce yourself, that is)