I think there's a lot of blog fatigue out there. At least, there is here. Not that I'm tired of posting here, but it seems as though I may have worn out my bloggy welcome. A little break will be nice.
I'm hoping to fill my well with the following:
*Garden - goes without saying. I plan on lots of quality time with my veggies.
*Sewing - I haven't really sewn anything in the last couple years - that's something I've been meaning to rectify.
*Writing - I've ditched my last fiction in favor of a different, better story.
*Swimming - Ellie is learning some water safety skills. I'm determined to turn her into a fish.
*Not Eating Crap - It ain't organic (if only it didn't taste so good).
*Picking Up a Weight or Two - just like it sounds.
*Reading - blogs, fiction, the works.
I may occasionally post a garden update or document random bursts of creativity. See you in September.
How do you fill your well?