Friday, June 5, 2009

In which my celebrity stalking resumes

This guy (up there). I'm pretty sure he sat only two feet away from me today. He was standing behind me next to his car. We were watching some surfers when he sat down - SHIRTLESS - next to me, and I wanted to say something, really I did. But it's sort of like that dream where you are being chased by a guy in a hockey mask wielding a chainsaw and when you go to scream for help you find your mouth is stuck together with peanut butter and your last thoughts as you die are, "I wonder if this Creamy or Crunchy?" - you know that dream? No?

So anyway, I was so frozen by his Potential Celebrity Status Aura that I just sat there and tried not to look like I was not trying not to stare (which is a lot harder than you'd think - it takes massive amounts of concentration). The funny thing is it felt like he was hoping I'd say something. After a few minutes of sideways glances, he gave up, got in his vehicle and drove off into the sunset.

I'm still kicking myself.