Sunday, November 30, 2008

This mothering bit is harder than it looks

Apologies to my mom for any and all critiques made during my growing-up years (actually I'm still working on that growing-up part).

Flippin' Fetchin' Fernortner! Okay, I feel a little better now.


Actually, not.

Right now I'd really like to pack one of my kids off to boarding school. On second thought, I'd really like to pack myself off to boarding school. Do you think there's an age limit? Sigh.

Why did I have to give birth to budding lawyers? Children who are dead set you'll see the error of your ways if they can just talk you to death-slash-old age, whichever comes first?

Big, from-the-toes, sigh.

Right. Back on the knees it is. Haven't been doing enough of that lately.